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Puma Basket

Puma Basket

Suede, Clyde or Basket?

Finding an answer to this question is probably impossible. All three models seem very similar, but are fundamentally different. PUMA is known for its rich heritage in sports and lifestyle, and the legacy of the brand is influenced by unforgettable sporting moments, key personalities, and iconic sneaker silhouettes.

Originally a leather answer to the Suede, in 1968, the distinctive look combined with the clean and simple design gave the Basket a mature, sophisticated feel. Which is why he was originally served as a basketball warm-up sneaker. The elements of color and classic materials fully smoothed together brought about a sleeker member to the Suede family. The PUMA Basket was not only in Basketball an absolute must-have shoe, even in hip-hop scene he was permanently present.

Over the years we have been witnessing numerous colors, patterns and modifications of the PUMA Basket, and has proven to be very durable - always present and always stylish.

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